Cruise for a Cause Logo
American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin
Past Runs


Cruise for a Cause
'Be The One for Wisconsin-25'
June 27-29, 2025

(Check-in / Registration on June 26th)

The American Legion Riders are promoting a three-day motorcycle ride, Wisconsin Legion Riders – Cruise for a Cause, 'Be The One for Wisconsin-25', June 27-29, 2025 from Port Washington to Marshfield.

The purpose is threefold: raise awareness, raise money for training / equipment, and send veterans to Camp American Legion.

This event is open to the public - it's not just for Legion Riders!

Phase I: Raise Awareness – Day after day many veterans continue to face battles brought on by their experiences in the service. For many it is a battle they face alone while trying to put on a strong exterior for those around them. For fellow veterans and citizens, it is important that we acknowledge their struggle is real and that it’s ok to ask for help. Many do not make it through because they think they are all alone. Together we can Be the One to save a life.

Phase II: Raise funds for training – The action phase consists of training and equipping our Legion Family volunteers with the tools to best respond to Veteran’s needs. Training will take a multifaceted approach tailored to the level of involvement. As a resource for non-suicidal Veterans that call 988 and just want to talk will require basic intervention training. Additional training will be offered for those Veteran volunteers that become peer mentors. Action will require a communication system capable of connecting the struggling Veteran with a trained Veteran volunteer.

Phase III: Send veterans to Camp American Legion – Sending at risk veterans to Camp American Legion can provide a peaceful Northwoods experience. This environment is conducive to providing stress reduction. Camp American Legion is a safe place to share experiences and for Veterans to receive or provide support from nonjudgemental peers.

The Legion Riders are promoting this event; however, we want it to be a true family affair. We will have Department Commander Jim Johnson, Department President Becky Mueller, Detachment Commander Allen Watry and Rider Director Corey Doehrmann traveling with us through the state.

More info to come in early March!

®2025 American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin